East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action

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Food Insecurities Update

You may be aware that The Scottish Government is currently running a consultation on a draft national plan to end the need for food banks as a primary response to food insecurity. The consultation will run until 25 January 2022.

 Direct Experience Consultation Workshops

 The Scottish Government wants to ensure that people with direct experience of food insecurity have opportunities to contribute to the national plan on ending the need for food banks in a safe and supportive environment. As an organisation that supports households who may experience food insecurity, we would value your help in promoting this opportunity.

 The next consultation workshops are being run on 30 November 2021 and 3rd December 2021, with additional dates also available later in December if you’re interested please contact FoodInsecurityTeam@gov.scot

Wider Consultation Participation

 Spaces at these direct experience consultation workshops are limited due to the need to ensure that all participants have the opportunity to be heard.

You can contribute to the wider consultation online.

 Should it be needed, information about supporting people with digital access, including Scottish Government funding which may be available for this purpose, is available on the Connecting Scotland website.

 If you would like to discuss any aspect of this further, require any additional information or wish to raise any particular accessibility issues, please do not hesitate to get in touch via email: FoodInsecurityTeam@gov.scot