Older People’s Network
On this page you will find information on the Older Peoples Network. This network is for local third sector organisations and the statutory sector to gather and discuss supporting Older People in East Dunbartonshire.
Details of the next network meeting can be found here
Useful Links and Resources…
East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership - Information on services for adults and older people
Local Area Coordination for Older People
Local Area Co-ordinators have a strong understanding of the challenges faced by older people and their carers. They will support the older person to identify issues that affect their ability to live well and will work with individual to help them access community assets and services that would best meet their needs.
The East Dunbartonshire Asset Map is an interactive map with information about resources, organisations and places.
Community Response Teams
Bearsden & Milngavie Community Response
Website (with option to use ‘request assistance’ form that goes direct to inbox)
Email: g61.g62communityresponse@gmail.com
Telephone number: 07774970280
G64 Community Support
Email: g64community@gmail.com
Telephone number: 0141 724 2211
G66 Community Response
Email: g66communityresponse@gmail.com
Telephone number: 0141 212 2769