Membership Information
Becoming a member of EDVA is easy.
Membership is open to voluntary organisations.
Members are able to directly influence your local Third Sector Interface, as well as save money, all at no cost as our membership is FREE.
Third Sector Organisation and Social Enterprise Membership Benefits
Up to 40% discount on desk hire at EDVA premises
Up to 50% discount on room hire – training/conference suite, board room and interview room
Up to 70% discount on printing services – colour and mono
Up to 50% discount on training places for staff and volunteers
Free space in our e-bulletin and website to disseminate your events, services and public announcements
Free subscription to our membership e-bulletin and weekly notice board
Invites to our monthly Networks
Access on-going support, guidance and advice from regarding your organisations development and sustainability.
Promotion of your volunteer opportunities via our ‘shop window’, social media channels and monthly volunteer ‘hotlist’.