Partnership & Networks
Partnership Networks
The Voice of the Third Sector
The network groups are open to community organisations and statutory sector to take part in quarterly catch ups. The meetings are approx 1 hour and vary from online to inperson. The Current network events are:
Children Young People & Families
Autism, Neurodiversity & Learning Disabilities
Older Persons
Health & Wellbeing & Financial Inclusion
If you’re interested in attending please contact Joni Mitchell Partnership Development Officer
You can see all networks available on our events page Network Dates for the diary
What is the TSI Network?
The third sector includes charities, community groups, development trusts, social enterprises and the volunteering sector. In September 2018, the new TSI Outcomes Framework was launched after a period of collaboration and discussion between the Network leaders and Scottish Government. It was recognised that the role of the TSIs needed to change and the focus of TSIs was to take a more strategic role in third sector involvement in community planning and health and social care integration and in responding to local needs and outcomes.
The key functions of the TSIs is now to help the third sector in each area in the following ways:
Building Capacity
Source of Knowledge
Connecting partners
Voice of the Sector
It was agreed that is it is not realistic to expect TSIs to contribute to every relevant government strategy so they link their work to the following:
National Performance Framework sections:
We respect and fulfil human rights and live free from discrimination
We tackle poverty by sharing opportunities, wealth and power more equally
We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered , resilient and safe
We are healthy and active We are well educated, skilled and able to contribute to society
Social Enterprise Strategy
Volunteering for All
For more information on the role of the TSIs, please go to the TSI Outcomes Framework here.
EDVA is engaged in strategic partnerships to encourage collaboration working across the third sector and with the public sector;
The Integrated Joint Board (HSCP)
The Strategic Planning Group of the HSCP
ASN & NeuroDiversity Strategy Group
Alcohol & Drug Partnership
Suicide Prevention Steering Group
Corporate Parenting Steering group
Employability Action Group
Child Protection Committee
Parenting Strategy Group
You can feed into any of these groups by contacting your EDVA team.