Funding Support

Funding Scotland has lots of information on funding which is currently available at

Some Funds which are currently open include:

Easyfundraising – unrestricted funding for third sector organisations

It’s free to register and use and is open to voluntary organisations, social enterprises, CICs etc of all shape and size.

You don’t need to be a charity. And the funds you raise class as unrestricted so you can use then as you wish.

Complete the free Online Registration Here

National Lottery Funding

These are the main funding programmes available for organisations in Scotland. For further information visit here

Awards for All

A quick way to apply for smaller amounts of funding between £300 and £20,000.

Community Action Fund

Funding for communities in Scotland. We're looking for projects that will help people connect more with each other. We'll support projects that are open, inclusive and led by their community.

Fairer Life Chances

Funding for projects that support children, young people and families. Or that help people to be healthier and have better access to support.

Forces in Mind

Supporting the psychological wellbeing and successful and sustainable transition of veterans and their families into civilian life.

Scottish Land Fund

Supporting urban and rural communities to become more resilient and sustainable through the ownership and management of land and land assets.

Strengthening Organisations

Funding for organisations in Scotland that we currently fund. We'll support organisations to try new ways of working or improve their current work.

The UK Fund

The UK Fund offers larger amounts of funding for existing projects. We’ll fund projects that help bring diverse communities together as well as projects that help children and young people use their voice to influence change.

Young Start

Helping young people aged eight to 24 to become more confident and play an active part in realising their potential.