Upcoming events
Third Sector Network Christmas Party
Join us for a joint EDVA Networks Christmas get together!
TSI Networks & OSCR: Changes to Charity Law in Scotland (Online)
Find out about the 2023 Act and what it means for charities in Scotland
TSI Networks & OSCR: Changes to Charity Law in Scotland (Online)
Find out about the 2023 Act and what it means for charities in Scotland
Lunch & Discussion at Kirkintilloch Town Hall
How Healthy is Your Community? A Discussion and Lunch
Friday 22nd of November 10.30-12.30 at Kirkintilloch Town Hall
Lunch & Discussion at Milngavie Town Hall
How Healthy is Your Community? A Discussion and Lunch
Wednesday 20th of November 10.30-12.30 at Milngavie Town Hall
TSI Networks & OSCR: Changes to Charity Law in Scotland (Online)
Find out about the 2023 Act and what it means for charities in Scotland
EDVA ASN Network (Online Via teams)
EDICE Network (East Dunbartonshire Information, Collaboration, Education -for sharing ASN issues, concerns and good practice) if you are interested in attending or presenting please contact joni.mitchell@edva.org.
Volunteer Recruitment Fair
Explore Volunteering Options at our Volunteer Recruitment Fair on the 1st of November
Playlist for Life Networking Event
Join us on Friday 25th of October for an East Dunbartonshire Community Network Event
EDVA Funding Workshop (Online via Teams)
EDVA Funding Workshop - Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund
EDVA Conference 2024 (In Person)
The Essential Sector
Presentations, Brunch & AGM at Woodhill Evangeical Church.
EDVA Funding Workshop (Online via Teams)
EDVA Funding Workshop - Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund
EDVA Older People's Network (online)
EDVA’s Older People’s Network Meeting. An opportunity for organisations which support older people in East Dunbartonshire to share updates and network.
EDVA Children, Young People & Families Network (Online via Teams)
Children Young People & Families Network. For more information please contact joni.mitchell@edva.org
EDVA ASN Network (In person)
EDICE Network (East Dunbartonshire Information, Collaboration, Education -for sharing ASN issues, concerns and good practice) if you are interested in attending or presenting please contact joni.mitchell@edva.org.
EDVA Children, Young People & Families Network (Online)
Children Young People & Families Network. For more information please contact joni.mitchell@edva.org
Beginners Guide to Becoming a Community Group (Online via Zoom)
Are you a new group or thinking about starting a community group?
This beginner online session will help you get started.
Growing a Food Community (In person)
Register via Event brite or contact luke.emerton@edva.org
East Dunbartonshire Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Networking Event - (in person)
Networking Event for recipients of the Community Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund. - In person lunch provided.
EDVA Volunteer Fair (In person)
Come along to our Volunteer Fair and meet local organisations who are looking for volunteers.
You can have a chat, hear about what’s available.
For more information or to attend contact Lorraine Moir
EDVA ASN Network (In person)
EDICE Network (East Dunbartonshire Information, Collaboration, Education -for sharing ASN issues, concerns and good practice) if you are interested in attending or presenting please contact joni.mitchell@edva.org.
EDVA Volunteer Fair (In person)
Come along to our Volunteer Fair and meet local organisations who are looking for volunteers.
You can have a chat, hear about what’s available.
For more information or to attend contact Lorraine Moir
EDVA Older Person’s Network (Online via Teams)
Our network offers the opportunity to meet with colleagues locally who are committed to the Health & Wellbeing of the residents of East Dunbartonshire. Come along and get involved contact joni.mitchell@edva.org
Funder Fair
Just a reminder that our first Funder Fair is being held on 18 Nov – a great opportunity for community groups, charities and social enterprises to access free training workshops and get advice on applying for funding. For more information visit Eventbrite
EDVA Children, Young People & Families Network
Children Young People & Families Network. For more information please contact joni.mitchell@edva.org