Census team will be hosting the event on Monday November 29 at 2pm.
Scotland’s next census will be held on Sunday 20 March 2022.
Please join the Community Engagement team to explore a coordinated strategy to engage with communities ahead of next year’s census.
Scotland’s Census is the official count of every person and household in the country. The answers people give to census questions help build up a picture of the population, and government and other service providers rely on census data to make important decisions.
To ensure everyone is counted in East Dunbartonshire, the Census Community Engagement team hope to maximise response through a joint approach with stakeholders in the community.
There will be an update around the census, some details around Field Force staff, an opportunity for information sharing, and a look at an area planning tool.
Please see all the meeting information and joining information below.
Any queries please contact Paul.Hyland@nrscotland.gov.uk
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