Financing the Third Sector- Exploring Social Impact Investment
In this online session, Ian Marr, Chief Executive at The Growth Partnership will be exploring how Social Impact Investment works and how this financing model can help deliver services…
‘In the current environment pretty much everyone in the Third Sector is experiencing immense pressure on resources whilst trying to meet increasing demand. Caught in this situation of swimming against a strong tide it can be genuinely hard to get your head up for some air and to consider new opportunities in financing services. The temptation is often to keep pushing the existing system harder in an attempt to achieve more. That’s ultimately counterproductive – not to mention utterly exhausting! Working with East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action we would like to give you the chance of an hour ‘to get your head up and get some air’. We will be doing an on-line session exploring how Social Impact Investment works and how it could help you in your work. I’ll explain how this innovative financing model allows you to deliver genuinely person-centred services which allow people to make progress at their own pace. This way of using money has been used in Scotland and is being used in delivering nearly 300 services globally which support 1.7m citizens in a wide variety of ways. These services include working with children and young people on the edge of care; in health care, including mental health; in homelessness; in justice services; in education and in addressing poverty. We are keen to give as many voluntary organisations as possible the opportunity to develop their understanding of Social Impact Investment and make use of it to deliver services that make a real difference to real people in real communities. There will be plenty of time for questions and I’m happy to follow up further with folks afterwards. I’d be delighted to meet you, albeit virtually, on the 22nd of June at 2.30!’
Any questions please email Luke Emerton