ASN Newsletter October 2023
Please see the attached copy of The lastest ASN newsletter.
from The LAC team
Year 3 of the Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund for Adults
Year 3 of Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund for Adults
ASN Newsletter September 2023
Please see the attached copy of The lastest ASN newsletter.
from The LAC team
Child & Adult Protection Training Calendar
Joint Child Protection & Adult Protection
Multi-agency Training Calendar
August 2023 – June 2024
Community Food Train the Trainer Courses
Community Cooking Train the Trainer Course Information and Dates
Full commitment for all dates is required so please discuss with your line manager before booking a space. Applications should be returned by the 18th September to
Year 3 of the Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund for Adults
Year 3 of Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund for Adults
Unlock your full potential!
The Skills Network - Kickstart the new academic year – funding now
Check out what your spending!
Cost of Living Support - Go Compare interactive energy cost calculator tool
ADP Summer News Letter - to contribute please contact
ADP newsletter for summer 2023. If you have anything you would like to add to the next edition please email
EDVA Summer 2023 e-Bulletin
Our Summer 2030 e-bulletin hot off the press!
Find out more about all of the exciting work being done within East Dunbartonshire within the Third Sector including updates on the Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund
Youth Health Questionnaire
Youth Health & Wellbeing Survey
The closing date for the survey is the 30th June.
ASN Newsletter may 2023
Please see the attached copy of The lastest ASN newsletter.
from The LAC team
EDC Community Grants Consultation Opens
EDC Community Grants Consultation Opens
You are invited to take part in one of our planned focus groups. The focus group should last no longer than one and a half hours. The aim of the focus group is to better understand the experience and perspectives of those who have either interacted or chosen not to interact with the grant scheme, and to use this information to enhance the effectiveness of the community grant scheme and ensure it is accessible, equitable and responsive to the needs of the community.
Your participation in the focus group will make a difference and help us create a better tomorrow. Let your voice be heard and together we can make a positive change.
Year 3 of the Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund
Year 3 of Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund Confirmed
Advice Pack for Front Line Workers
Supporting those with mental health and money worries: advice for frontline staff
The Scottish Government Mental Health directorate, in collaboration with Change Mental Health and a number of other partners have developed an info pack for frontline workers on how to best support people experiencing mental health and wellbeing challenges as a result of increased money worries.
The pack can be used to guide frontline workers to sources of support that they can signpost individuals to or access themselves. It will support staff to access a range of advice and support beyond their own organisations and areas of expertise, including support for their own mental wellbeing. Please note that it is not intended to be used as a leaflet for frontline advisers to hand out to individuals.
EDVA Spring 2023 e-Bulletin
Our Spring 2030 e-bulletin hot off the press!
Find out more about all of the exciting work being done within East Dunbartonshire within the Third Sector including updates on the Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund